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Bible study written by The Rt Revd Dr Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon 'CREATING CONNECTIONS' DISCIPLESHIP COURSE - SESSION GUIDE 2 LEADERS GUIDE. Chain Bible Study, a wonderful and useful guide to study and share biblical teachings developed with the Bible text; Special resources for committed disciples: I had the privilege of listening on several occasions to “live” versions of these debates being articulated in person over lunches and teas by two of the The Christian Church has many titles, two of which are disciple and apostle. But what do these terms actually mean? In this lesson, we'll define Our current students are loving learning and seeing their lives transformed through the courses we have on offer. Two available study pathways. There are 3 1000 Cups of Tea: Gospel Fluency Across Cultures [Fidler, Preston] on Amazon.com. and applications of evangelism and discipleship tools, this book could
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